Friday, July 31, 2009

Berlin Street Style

After my little experience as a novice catwalk photographer, i decided i would take the camera to use once again. This time i would style stalk basically when i saw someone dressed in something i liked i would simply and politely ask in German for a moment of their time. It’s amazing how friendly people are when you ask them for a photo with a big camera. Not that i have asked people for a photo with a small camera, but i think that would seem a little creepy. Strangely enough, only one person asked what the photograph was for, i said a fashion blog, so to make my answer a truth here it is.... my first instalment of style stalking, Berlin street style.

I had to post this guy first because he was my favorite, everything was coordinated down to the bag and the polka dot socks. nude white and black are really a perfect combination.


Berlin Fashion Week

So i was in Berlin, my boyfriend had to go to a meeting and i wanted to go to one of the street shows so i borrowed his camera, not sure what type but its one of those big black ones, its heavy and it takes good photos.. haha anyway as i arrived, camera around my neck, a woman with radio headpiece and identification badges around her neck asks me in German if i was press, i stop, think about it for a moment, and slowly reply.. yes
next thing i know I'm in a tent with a heap of photographers with the best possible view of the show.
i wasn't überly impressed by the collection, i didn't even catch the name of the designers but here are some that i didn't mind... last one is my fav.

Kylie Minogue Zip

Kylie Minogue Zip

Kylie Minogue Zip

Kylie Minogue Zip

Kylie Minogue Zip

Kylie Minogue Zip image

Kylie Minogue Zip

Kylie Minogue Zip

Kylie Minogue Zip

Kylie Minogue Zip pic

Kylie Minogue Zip

Kylie Minogue Zip

Kylie Minogue Zip

Kylie Minogue Zip photo

Kylie Minogue Zip

Kylie Minogue Zip

Kylie Minogue Zip

Kylie Minogue Zip

Kylie Minogue Zip

Kylie Minogue Zip

Thursday, July 30, 2009

EVE, AD 2000

Here is a video i randomly came across of what American fashion designers from the 1930s predicted we would be wearing by the year 2000.

is it just me or does the mesh dress look a bit like the the Alexander Wang dress we couldn't get enough of earlier this year?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Florence - Part Two -

London to Florence with Ryan Air (undoubtedly the worst airline) my advise, do not fly with them, they rip you off left right and center.
and they lost my luggage.

first 4 days in Italy with no bags was no fun.
in theory, you get to buy all new clothes.... but in practice, my taste isn't quite the same as that of your typical Italian woman.
don't get me wrong they look very glam, but i just can't pull off sequined bikinis, sparkling shoes and the full white get up.
H&M saved me i bought some basic tees in a L and wore them as dresses for the first few days...
I did see some very well dressed men at Pitti Immagine (the fashion trade show) but didn't get any stalker photos... that habit started in Berlin...

in conclusion it's safe to say Italy is home to the best pizza the best coffee the best gelato i had ever had :-)

London - Part One -

Ok here they come...
i hope i don't bore you with all my travel photos. im super happy to be home but its cold and i'm jetlagged ....
its well past midnight and I've just baked cookies and my puppy is staring at me, i'm guessing she is wondering why i'm still up, i'm on my 4th cup of peppermint tea and the portable heater is starting to rattle, im starting to wonder if its even blowing out warm air anymore...

First stop. London:
my impressions of london were varied....
there is alot of cool vintage stuff around, camden markets were interesting but by the end of the day i suffered from stud over kill!
portobello lane was wonderful.
i really hate to say it but top shop was a dissapointment..... i didn't like seeing 50 of the same thing on one rack, and the size of the store is overwhelming, you would need a day in there to go through it properly... i only really managed the shoe section, gave up and went to the lolly pick-and-mix shop :-) a lollyshop in a clothing store... genious!
Harrods toy section was fun and i blew almost all my spening money on some AW 09/10 YSL heels from selfridges & co.. naughty!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Carla Bruni Obama

Carla Bruni Obama

Carla Bruni Obama

Carla Bruni Obama

Carla Bruni Obama

Carla Bruni Obama image

Carla Bruni Obama

Carla Bruni Obama

Carla Bruni Obama

Carla Bruni Obama pic

Carla Bruni Obama

Carla Bruni Obama

Carla Bruni Obama

Carla Bruni Obama photo

Carla Bruni Obama

Carla Bruni Obama

Carla Bruni Obama

Carla Bruni Obama

Carla Bruni Obama

Carla Bruni Obama

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