Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ameesha Patel assaults elderly chauffeur

Bollywood actress Ameesha Patel on Saturday evening, outside her Juhu gym, was seen in a heated exchange of words with her driver who is in his early 50s.

The heated argument took a ghastly turn as Ameesha assaulted her chaffeur.

A passerby who witnessed the incident said:

“Ameesha’s new car was parked outside the gym. When she emerged after her workout, she saw a tiny scratch on the side of her car, and flipped out. She started hurling abuses at the driver and kept asking him for an explanation. When he couldn’t come up with an answer, she slapped him hard across his cheek.”

This isn’t the first time the actress has lost her temper on her driver. He has been driving her since her Kaho Na Pyaar Hai days and is used to her temperamental behaviour, but he has never encountered violence before.

However when contacted Ameesha, she out rightly denied the story. She went on to claim that she hasn’t taken her car to the gym in the last three years.

“This is utterly ridiculous. Nothing of this sort has happened. My house is walking distance from the gym and I just take my driver with me to hold my umbrella. You can come to my gym and ask around if anything to this effect happened. It’s all lies and I will be very unhappy if this comes out.”

Now whom to believe and whom not to


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