Friday, July 29, 2011

Destroy Democracy By The Tea Party

Destroy Democracy By The Tea Party
America's Founding Fathers thought of everything. They wanted to establish several centers of power in Washington, instead of one. They wanted the occupant of the White House to be strong, but Congress would have the power to check the resistance. The friction between the Capitol and the White House - a product of this system of checks and balances - would make the decisions of American leaders smarter, wiser and better.

But the system only works when all public authorities the role intended for them. For nearly 235 years, the system worked relatively well. But a year ago, things started to go wrong in the U.S. capital, the system began to melt. The friction is not propel the country to greatness, but rather to accelerate its decline. Members of the Conservative Party tea right movement, which is well represented in Congress since the last election, I want the friction. But at the expense of results.
These MPs are not seen as part of the political system. On the contrary, they consider to be his enemy. They see themselves as outsiders, even if you sit in Congress, and enjoy a variety of benefits that would work to strip the American people.
All take, no give
They are, as it became clear during the discussion on the amount of debt, putting into question the entire system. And they have transformed the balance of control and an instrument of obstacles.
Experts agree that America can reduce its huge mountain of debt by spending cuts and tax increases - at least a little. Tea Party politicians are willing to reduce costs but strongly opposes allowing the government to increase tax revenues. His refusal to compromise has led economists to warn of "Armageddon" the U.S. be insolvent.
In response to this "fear-mongering," Tea Party Group of the Campaign for Freedom wrote in a blog, that even if the debt ceiling is not raised, "the sun still rising in the east and sets in the west, because it is any time. " What, after all, the experts know?
As a result, America has a setback. Branches of government were designed for both physical activity and power output. More than anything, though, which is supposed to work together. But I think one seems to run counter Tea Party Movement. Members are not interested in doing more in Washington, who want to destroy it. Their Holy Grail is a stripped-down mode.
President Barack Obama wants to improve schools, and the Tea Party would like to see a lot of state schools have been eliminated. Obama wants to invest in clean energy, climate change denies Tea Party. The President wants to cut thousands of billions in subsidies, but the Tea Party is refusing to accept dollars more in taxes, even the richest.
Inflexible principles
In fact, after meeting with Republican leaders broke down last Friday, a visibly angry Obama asked reporters: "Can we say yes to anything?" The answer is no, and the blame lies with the new system.
There was a time that politicians would campaign on anti-Washington platform, but would still be proud to be in Congress, once elected. But officials at the Tea Party vaguely in Washington to do things differently. In a recent article published in The New York Times noted, many of them live and sleep in their offices "to express his detached from the culture in Washington" and then return to their constituencies on Thursday. It is a matter of principle. They consider themselves to be on mission and boast not to think about their chances of reelection. They focus on their principles.
However, in doing so, they betray the principles of democracy. It is the nature of democracy to think about his reelection. This means that politicians keep in touch with their constituents - and remains open to compromise.
But the Tea Party is opposed to an agreement, the lubricant of all legislative bodies. They practice a form of democracy, but in its crudest form the most aggressive.
Are, for example, repeatedly and publicly humiliate the President of the House Republican John Boehner. Boehner had been forged by President Obama to deal with the dollar 4000000000000 (€ 2.8 billion) to cut federal spending, as the long-awaited reform of social security system. In return, Boehner has agreed to some increases in taxes. It would be a real reform - rather large.
Tea Party, but has seen much more of a betrayal. Taxes, after all, the poison of their doctrine. It 'a very fundamentalist doctrine, and they used to take hostage the Republican Party.
Republican Party "has taken up the faction that is more psychological than practical protest, the alternative of the ECB," writes the conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks. He says the protest movement controls the reflexes and the "do not accept the logic of compromise, no matter how pleasant the conditions."
His stubbornness, Tea Party has betrayed its own idols. They want to quote Ronald Reagan, famous for the saying that "the government is not the solution to our problems, government is the problem." But even if it is not intimidated by the ECB. He raised taxes 11 times, has increased the debt ceiling 18 times. Republican icon is not often spoken of his government, but has never made a religion.
Ireland stoking voters
The Tea Party, moreover, is the result of Congress "you're either with us or against us," the maxim that President George W. Bush has taken since launching its "war on terror." And the movement wants to drive the state into bankruptcy, the consequences be damned.
Tea Party legislators will eventually have to pay the price of this strategy. Surveys indicate that many Americans are intimidated by the political radicalism of the new wild and wants to see an agreement on the debt ceiling. Most support an agreement that includes spending cuts and higher taxes. It makes people nervous Tea Party supporters act as if America can not choose or not to pay their debts.
Most Americans, after all, are familiar with the founding fathers of the Tea Party is so fond of the quote. And what Jefferson, Washington, Madison and others say the young republic was forced to borrow money? The state, say, had to pay their debts. At this point, they knew no compromise.


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