Saturday, July 30, 2011

Fly In Crashes Of JFK In Two Pieces In Guyana, No Deaths Reported

Fly In Crashes Of JFK In Two Pieces In Guyana, No Deaths Reported
Guyana tied to the machine that went to JFK airport yesterday carrying 140 people crashed and broke in two about 1 this morning, seriously injuring four, but miraculously caused no deaths. The woman said the car, which was a loud noise as the plane landed, and they all began to shout. "It 'was horrified," said the dress Guyana News, "I prayed to Jesus."

According to the AP, the Caribbean Airlines flight 523 left JFK at seventeen, he stopped in Trinidad, then flew to Guyana, where the rain has caused the Boeing 737 crossing the runway and crash. The car was just 200 meters throat, "could lead to dozens of people have been killed," President Bharrat Jagdeo of Guyana said at the press conference. "We are very, very grateful that more people are injured," said Jagdeo.
Because emergency teams had no lights and other equipment, the authorities were initially slow to provide medical care to 100 people in need. "It bothers me that nobody came to save us from the darkness, but a taxi driver appears out of nowhere and charged me $ 20 to take me to the terminal," said Philadelphia Ramsigh wife Geeta. "J have been paid, but in case of emergency, do not charge people for a ride." Some things are not even if you go in the world.


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